Friday, November 12, 2010

{Miss Lady "H"} ATTN!! REEEEEEAD!!!

ATTN!!!!!!!!!!!: book a session, and put down a deposit by nov. 20th and Receive (2) free 8x10's (10) free wallets and one session for half off!!! ONLY IF YOU BOOK AND PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT BY NOV 20TH!! {book for a shoot in Lake Arrowhead and save $25.00!!}

So This morning I {Faliesha} just woke up in one of those moods, MUST TAKE A PHOTO OF SOMEONE! So Hailey and I walked around our home and did a little mini shoot {till a coyote came and scared the bageebers out of us and we ran inside haha} Well heres what we came up with: {btw check out our 18+ ONLY blog Michelle did a mini shoot of her own!}


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