Friday, February 10, 2012

What to keep your eyes peeled for! O_o

On this weekends agenda:
Red carpet event. Got to admit, I'm pretty stoked yet pretty nervous. Ive done photo shoots for events, all kinds of events before, but this time is different.. Equipment will all be new to me but yet its exciting! I get to do it with the best business partner EVAAAR! 

Shoots for this week:
Kristi and her boy friend Josh :) Ive known Kristi since she was born >gawd I'm old< so this shoot shall be
 very exciting for me! ALSO last but not least Hailey and Jeff. Two of the cutest little love birds ever and their only 7. The inseparable duo. This my friend, spells nothing but fun!
New Partnerships, Contests, Freebies, Promotions & Discounts PLUS free give aways!! Woop Woop! Are you as excited as we are yet?? Just click our follow links on blogspot or on our facebook fan page and we will keep you updated! P.s. Dont forget to hit the "share" button on your way out! Love Peace and Chicken Grease!


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